Tag Archives: New Dentist

Bounce Back after Time off

Here’s hoping you had a great long weekend. While we never turn down a day off of work, sometimes extra time away can make it hard to get back into the swing of things. If that sounds familiar, WikiHow has a list of suggestions for how to overcome the post-vacation blues. One tip involves incorporating some lessons from… Read More »

Gerbils on a Train

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Not sure how many words this video of gerbils on a train is worth, but if it helps more kids to get the message about the importance of brushing, then we think it might just be priceless. This clip is just one from a partnership between the Ad Council and… Read More »

Before it came in a Tube…

(Connecticut dentist Washington Sheffield’s) innovation of packing toothpaste into collapsible tubes not only was more efficient—a person could squeeze out only as much as he or she needed—and kept the toothpaste from drying out, but it also was much more hygienic—previously toothpaste had come in porcelain jars into which all the members of a household dipped their brushes.… Read More »