Dental standards developers need your input

By | July 6, 2018

You can be involved in dental standards development, which ensures that those who design and manufacture dental products — everything from dental chairs to secure email services — and the dentists who use them are on the same page.

The ADA is an American National Standards Institute accredited standards developing organization. It depends on dentist volunteers with an interest in standards to help develop the most relevant and up-to-date standards.

The ADA is seeking dentists to participate on a canvass committee to review the 2018 revision of SNODENT, or the Systemized Nomenclature of Dentistry. SNODENT, which is revised annually, is a diagnostic code set designed to capture dental patient information that can be used across electronic health record. All canvass activities are conducted electronically through the ADA’s collaborative website for standards development; no in-person meetings are planned.

For more information about dental standards development or to join the SNODENT Canvass Committee, please contact Paul Bralower at 800-621-8099, ext. 4129, or email Other information about dental standards is online at

2 thoughts on “Dental standards developers need your input

  1. Bea Marino

    Is it true that it is illegal for a dentist to use the out-dated method of having a patient spit into the unit by the chair and get a cup of water to rinse out their mouth? Some dentists still use this method.

  2. Pingback: Dental standards developers need your input | Blogging Blog

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