Appreciating the Journey—How do you Feel?

By | December 6, 2013
man with surfboard

It’s an ever-changing quest

Marc Barros is an entrepreneur and a surfer and he compares those two endeavors over at his eponymous blog:

Building a great company or being an amazing surfer isn’t like playing a team sport. There is no trophy you walk away with or a championship you can try for again if you lose. There isn’t a fixed time you play or rules that define how the game is played. It’s an ever changing quest that has no timeline and no clear definition of victory. And the only thing that tells you if you are improving is how you feel.

This reminded us of a conversation we had recently with a new dentist fresh out of school. It wasn’t that dental school had been easy, far from it, but the challenges were clearly and narrowly defined. Life as a new dentist had so many more variables, and sometimes it was hard to answer the question is this going well?

Above Marc Barros asserts that the only thing that tells you if you are improving is how you feel. Would you say that is very true? Completely wrong? Somewhere in-between? Tell us how you feel about it in the comments.